Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 2

Is going well. I've had an apricot today as solid and the rest just juice. It's only noon and I've been up since 6 am so there is still some time to go. If I made it through the first day, I say I will make it through the next and the next. I am not sure how long will I keep 'only juice' fast. We have family coming in town this weekend so it might be hard when we sit around the table. I might eat veggies and continue juicing.

I just had three glasses like this of the Spiked Green and now I am full and content. And speaking of satiety feeling, when I woke up this morning I had such a full feeling, it felt like I had a feast the night before, no trace of hunger feeling. I liked that because I was able to have my lemon water and slowly ease into the new day of juicing.

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