Saturday, June 30, 2012

Delicious reboot

I finally made it to the grocery store and bought some serious supplies for the serious Reboot. I've already tried two different variations of the Mean Green Juice. The first try I made, I threw in the following veggies and the result was absolutely delicious. I didn't taste any bitterness from the kale like I've been reading other people complaining about. Here are the ingredients to what I am going to call, Mexican Green:

Red Pepper

Later in the day, we went grocery shopping to a different store where I bought some more veggies. I tried another recipe and the picture above is of my second attempt of the Mean Green juice. This time I am going to call it Red Green It's the same juice, it just that I didn't drink it right away and by the time I got to it, the juice separated itself like that. Let's see what I thew in this time:

Kale (actually it was the same kale as earlier, just juiced again.... to my surprise it still had enough juice inside... yes, I am cheap that way)
Green beans
One plum
One lemon
Some ginger

I just finished drinking it and it was absolutely delicious!! I don't think I am going to have any problems chugging down these weird looking liquids.

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